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The Way We Are
Flare Magazine

A few years aog feminist Gloria Steinhem was told she looked good for 40. Her now famous retort - “This is what 40 looks like.” Here, Micki Moore, author of Making it (in paperback from Dell, $4.95) and contributing lifestyle expert to CTV’s national program Lifetime, illustrates just how good 45 looks. “Fifty is what 40 used to be,” says Moore. “ But if you tell me I’m five years away from 50 it’s incomprehensible to me.”
Admittedly a bit obsessive about sports, Moore attributes her good looks and ability to cope with a “pressure cooker” life to daily exercise. If she’s not swimming or playing tennis she’s working out on nautilus equipment, doing aerobics, running, or cycling. “Another thing that’s helped me is I laugh a lot,” she says. But one of the things that irritates her most, she asserts, is when someone looks at a woman and says “Isn’t she well preserved?” “It’s like she’s a jar of jam,” Moore says. “They don’t talk that way about men.”
Makeup with energetic appeal for Moore by Yves Saint Laurent. Her fragrance: Yves Saint Laurent’s Y. Clothing and scarf, Anne Klein. Makeup, Iida daSilva, The Spa At The Elmwood, Toronto. Hair cut by Anna K., Toronto; styled by John Donato, Salon Donato, Hamilton.
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